We are proud to announce the arrival of our new VisiOffice X

The VisiOffice X puts our patients at the heart of the lens measuring process. The VisiOffice X is comfortable and accurate and brings a new experience to having lenses perfectly measured for your eyes. The animations displayed on the VisiOffice X screens allow you to immediately understand the benefits personalised lenses bring.

The VisiOffice has three personalisation measurements for greater accuracy and personalisation.

Eyecode™ technology: which measures the exact position of the Eye Rotation Centre. This helps in placing the distance and near vision centre of the lens in exactly the right place for the wearer.

Near Vision Behaviour: a simple task measured to understand how you naturally use your eyes. Do you move your eyes when you read or do you move your head or a bit of both? Do you hold the text in front of you or slightly offset to the left or right? Are you a detailed reader or do you skim read?

This information influences the location size and shape of the reading portion of the lens and provides better adaption of your new lenses when you first begin to use them.

H3D analysis: analyses your natural posture, the way in which you hold your head and the way the frame fits you to ensure better visual comfort when using your glasses.